Pros and Cons of Selling to a Strategic Buyer
When it’s time to sell your business, you may have multiple buyers to choose from. You could receive offers from strategic, financial, and individual buyers. As you start thinking about selling your business, think about what’s most important to you in a sale. Different buyer groups tend to operate by different playbooks. Understanding what each […]
Will COVID-19 Impact The Value Of My Business?… It Depends
As we continue to take companies to market during COVID, we’re asking new questions about business response plans and resilience. It’s been interesting to see the different attitudes and approaches. The business owners who are burned out are very much taking a “sell now and let the next person deal with it” approach. We’ve been […]
The Irony of Rising Business Values
The M&A market does not usually respond well to times of uncertainty, such as election years. But in Q3 2020, in a time of uncertainty on top of uncertainty, we are seeing record buyer interest. The issue is largely one of supply and demand. Business owners, believing that the pandemic can’t possibly be a good […]
Escaping M&A “Deal Killers”
When selling your business, you can expect to hit a couple of snags before the deal is complete. But proper planning can help you avoid the most common “deal killers” like these: Deal Killer 1: Time We have a saying in the M&A industry: “Time kills all deals.” The longer it takes to complete negotiations […]
Plan a 2021 Comeback with an Acquisition
Business owners tend to think about selling when things aren’t as much fun as they used to be. Running a business in the COVID era is anything but fun, and owners are being particularly responsive to acquisition inquiries right now. Proactive acquisition searches When growing through acquisition, buyers can take two approaches: reactive or proactive. […]
Lopsided Market Drives M&A Values in Pandemic
With all the upheaval in the world right now, you’d expect M&A deal value to take a dip. But recent market analysis shows that’s anything but the case. According to GF Data, companies with an enterprise value of $10 million to $25 million sold at an average multiple of 5.9 in the first two quarters, […]
Discover Portage
Finding the right advisor when selling a business is paramount. Knowing their capabilities is the first step. When we originally began our journey, we put a lot of thought into the brand. We wanted a name that would reflect the fundamental service we provide – helping clients get from point A to B. This includes […]